About me
Get to know me.

System & Family Constellator
Dr. Stefanie Hettich
The family constellation work has changed my life and my work. I am so impressed by the effectiveness and efficiency of the method that I have made it the central tool in my work. As a coach and management consultant, I increasingly recognize how causes and solutions often lie on the relationship level and are difficult to access purely rationally. The systemic work and the family constellation work offer great access to an otherwise hidden dimension.
Through my work as a strategic management consultant, I know many organizations from the inside, understand entrepreneurial contexts and todays challenges for a manager.
Vita Since 2010 self-employed as coach and strategic management consultant Until 2009 management consultant at McKinsey & Company Business studies and doctorate in business informatics at the Catholic University of Eichstätt/Ingolstadt Bank apprenticeship at Commerzbank AG, Bielefeld
Trainings and certifications Systemic coaching and team development Professional development and integration of life worlds, Institute for Systemic Consulting Wiesloch (DBVC) Trainer and consultant training at Management Centrum Schloss Lautrach Systemic constellations in individual settings and in small groups, Wilfried de Philipp (according to DGfS e.V.) Training and voluntary work as a hospice helper, Caritas Ambulanter Hospizdienst Training in non-violent communication, Andreas Basu Mediative team development (Academy Perspective Change) "The School for The Work" with Byron Katie, Bad Neuenahr, Germany Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Holotropic Breathwork with Dr. Sylvester Walch Certified for MBTI®, DISG® and INSIGHT®
For larger projects and if I have the impression that further expertise is required, I work together with a network of trustworthy partners.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.