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Familienaufstellung - Aufstellung im Einzelsetting

Family constellation as an individual session

Familiy Constellation
in a private atmosphere

Intensive work on your own topics

In individual coaching we have a lot of time for your topics. Sometimes it's good to discuss delicate issues in a private atmosphere. 


During a family constellation in individual coaching, all topics can be dealt with that can also be solved in a group.


Typical fields are e.g.

  • Family - Clarification of relationships with individual family members

  • Health - understanding physical symptoms 

  • Career - Difficult career decisions, conflicts, finding the right career

  • Psyche - Feelings that feel foreign, repeated behavior where you don't really understand yourself or your own reactions

As described in the last point, the concern does not have to be formulated very clearly. The willingness and an inner motivation to understand the topic better and a high motivation to change it are sufficient prerequisites. 


A system or family constellation in individual coaching follows the same steps as a family constellation in a group. In a preliminary discussion, we try to concretize the topic together and work out the first possible connections. The family constellation itself is carried out using figures and/or placeholders on the ground (ground anchors). We position ourselves then on the ground anchors and feel how the respective representatives are doing in the different constellations. 

You can find more explanations and background information on the methodology of family constellations here


Ungererstr. 112, 80805 Munich


 1:45 hour individual session with system or family constellation 

0:55 hour individual session (systemic coaching, short family constellation)

Appointments by arrangement (see below)


220 EUR for individual session with family constellation (1:45 min)

120 EUR for systemic coaching or short setup (0:55 min)

+55 EUR for each additional half hour

Tax deductible if the coaching is professionally motivated. 

If you have multiple sessions, we can agree on a compact price.  

Book an individual session

You already know what you want -
Book an individual session online here


Familienaufstellung - Einzelsitzung

Im privaten Rahmen - Aufstellung mit Figuren und Bodenankern

Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you

If you have any questions or special appointment requests (mornings, evenings, weekends), please use the form below or call me (0170 8314619). ​ 

Your request

I'm happy to answer your questions or
we will arrange an appointment according to your wishes. 

Thank you for your message! I will get back to you right away.
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