Family constellation online - flexible and intensive
An online family constellation is comparable to a one-on-one session and has several advantages.
Advantages of an online family constellation
No arrival/departure time
Flexible in terms of time
Easy to plan before/after work
Compatible with caring for children, relatives or animals
Choose your own personal location for your own setup
How can I imagine an online family constellation?
The process is very similar to a constellation in an individual session. We will present your request to you with the help of objects. Together we feel into the individual positions and gain deeper insights into your entanglements and get closer to the causes of your concerns. It is a method that can be better experienced and less described. - The outcomes are most of the times pretty amazing and hard to reach with any other coaching or therapy method.
During a family constellation in individual coaching, all topics can be dealt with that can also be solved in a group.
Typical fields are e.g.
Family - Clarification of relationships with individual family members
Health - understanding physical symptoms
Career - Difficult career decisions, conflicts, finding the right career
Psyche - Feelings that feel foreign, repeated behavior where you don't really understand yourself or your own reactions
As described in the last point, the concern does not have to be formulated very clearly. The willingness and an inner motivation to understand the topic better and want to change it are sufficient prerequisites.
Find a quiet place, where you will be undisturbed for about 2 hours and arrange yourself there so that you feel comfortable.
For an online family constellation you will need the following things:
Laptop with camera and internet access
(iPad or cell phone also work, but are more difficult to position)
Approx. 10-15 household items (as figures for the family constellation)
Examples are:
Salt/pepper shakers
Toy figures
Toy animals
Objects are suitable if the objects can stand on the surface and ideally have a viewing direction - i.e. a front/back side (not a must).
I recommend setting up the figures on a floor or a free-standing table.
You can find more explanations and background information on the methodology of family constellations here.
Via video conference (Zoom)
1:45 hour family constellation online
0:55 hrs. Coaching online (systemic coaching, short family constellation)
Appointments by arrangement
220 EUR for family constellation online (1:45 min)
120 EUR for coaching online (0:55 min)
Tax deductible if the coaching is professionally motivated.
If you have multiple sessions, we can agree on a compact price.
Book a family constellation online
You already know what you want -
then you can book an appointment for an online family constellation right here
If you have any questions, coaching requests or special appointment requests (mornings, evenings, weekends), please use the form below or call me (0170 8314619).